
How to make your vehicle shine with decorative car lights

There are two kinds of people in the world….those who think a car is simply a tool to use to get from point A to point B, and those that feel a car is an extension of one’s self, a statement about who owns it, and a passion. If you are one of the second group, then you already love your car. You probably spend time and money to make sure that it looks and drives at its best at all times. You are the type who would rather spend a sunny day washing and waxing your car, rather than a sunny day at the beach. The good news is that there are so many new and cool ways to customize your car and make it shine. One of the cheapest and yet most impressive ways to turn your car into a showpiece, is with the addition of custom lighting.
Today there are a myriad of custom car lights and lighting choices. Depending on the types of lights and location of installation, the difficulty to install may vary. Putting together a fully custom set-up may require a bit of knowhow and some tools, but many lighting kits are available that make customizing your car, a simple afternoon DIY task. Let’s look at some of the more popular car light options.

Under Dash Lighting – Most cars have very inadequate under dash lighting. When you open the car door at night you are faced with a dim orange glow around the floorboards. It’s hardly enough to see while safely entering the car and let’s face it…it just doesn’t look good. Luckily, LED light strip kits are available that install easily under the dash and can be wired into the car battery or any 12 volt DC outlet. These lights can be wired to the door switch to turn on when the door opens or even run on a remote control. They are available in a wide variety of cool colors and they have that superb LED glow that we all love.
Interior Cabin Lighting – Another great lighting upgrade is to replace the overhead incandescent light in your vehicle with an LED retrofit lamp. These can be colored or white light, they are much brighter and have better color temperature than the original light, and are also much more efficient, requiring less power from the vehicle’s battery system. These useful retrofit lamps install in minutes and require no special wiring. They are also available for trunk and rear hatch lights. Mixing and matching these LED light colors can give an interesting and pleasing effect.
Undercarriage Lighting – Probably the most impressive way to improve the look and attention to your car is by installing an LED undercarriage lighting kit. No one will miss your car as it cruises down the road seeming to float on colorful lights, a truly stunning effect. Many people think this customization requires a lot of time and money, but actually the kits are inexpensive and most DIY folks have no problem with a simple installation. Make sure that you choose a weatherproof LED kit that can handle the outdoors and choose the kit specified for your vehicle or one of the many universal kits available. Installation is as easy as attaching the LED light strips with adhesive or zip ties and wiring them to the vehicles battery or auxiliary power source. Most kits use a remote control with different lighting effects and patterns that can be easily controlled from the comfort of the car interior lights.

You may have been wondering what the next fun customization you could add to your car was and now you know, custom LED lighting is the best way to make a big impact in the way your car looks. Whether your car is speeding down the highway lit up like a futuristic ride, or sitting on the street, these car lights kits are the best value for improving your car’s looks. Best of all, they are easy enough that any DIY handyperson can get them installed and looking great. Check them out today at Newfrog.com


Why People Need a Car DVR in a Trip

Surely people must have heard of the car DVR- the video camera for car. Besides the fact that the car DVR has many uses for the purpose of sole amusement, it is also extremely useful in a bunch of different situations. Therefore, people may call the car DVR as one of those important car accessories that it’s highly recommendable to keep around. There are several reasons for purchasing a car DVR and newfrog.com lists them in this article.
Talking about a particular situation, the car DVR is especially helpful in trips. Such a camera can be very useful in everyday situations as well, yet it’s features are best exploited when people are away, taking a trip to… wherever.
So, let’s say people are going to a trip and got it all planned- meals, accommodation, gas money, luggage, the places that are to be visited and so on. But there is always a part that people can’t predict- there is always a chance that something unpredictable intervenes into a perfectly planned schedule. Take as an example a car crash. It is perfectly possible- even if people are driving safely it can happen that someone simply scratches their car. The owners might be in another state, country or even on other continents. The owners may know who exactly is the one who caused the accident, but how can someone prove his innocence? Now, this is not a very pleasant situation to imagine, but it can happen- especially if the owners are from another country and they’re not used to the driving habits of other places.

This is a very good example of a situation where a Car DVR Camera is most useful. First of all, by using the car DVR, the owners have it all on tape- no one can say that the owner was guilty of causing the accident, as he has proof to support his point of view.
Many similar situations can occur when people are in a trip. As well, among the safety uses of the DVR camera the owners can count identifying thieves.
When the owner goes to another country, thieves might be really tempted of stealing the car for example, which is obviously registered abroad- this can turn the car into an easy target. Let’s say that the owner does have bad luck and his car is attacked- it’s not stolen, but valuable objects disappear from it. Most often objects stolen abroad are not recovered, due to insufficient data. But if the owner does have a car DVR and leaves it on, the owner can get some sort of a surveillance system that might give you and the police the right amount of information in order to recover the missing objects. A car DVR is a plus in these situations, no matter what.
Now, those were the bad situations of robbery and crashes where the DVR camera can fully prove its usefulness. Yet, there are happier situations when a DVR can be a perfect partner for trips.
Maybe people have seen the amazing Car DVR Camera videos on Youtube- they are kind of a trend lately. If people enjoy making videos or just creating awesome memories from their trips, a car DVR might be exactly what their need.
Car owners can record their journey and add comments and impressions about it while filming. Not many people have such an original home-made movie collection, right?

A car DVR can be their very own way of re-creating Kerouac’s on the road from their journey’s perspective. This should be fun.
Therefore, having a car DVR is really useful, considering both safety and fun.
The car owner gets his justice made in a matter of seconds and other people get awesome trip videos to pile up to their home video collection, just by this simple addition- a DVR camera.
So, Newfrog.com hopes this answered the question of why people need a DVR camera for their trip. These are the benefits of owning a DVR camera. Now, before you purchase one, make sure you balance the benefits and the disadvantages well and that you purchase something that fits your needs.
As well, when you do purchase something, make sure it is suitable for your type of car and for your budget.
If you go on newfrog.com, you’ll find a varied gamma of Car DVR Cameras at prices that suit each and every budget.
While at a normal shop a car DVR can be purchased for an average of $40, if you surf newfrog.com, you will be able to find better prices for one. For example, a 2.5 inch display car DVR can be purchased for just $24 on newfrog.com. Yet, if you wish to buy something more professional, the prices can go up to $100. Seriously consider the reasons for which you need a car DVR before purchasing- do you want awesome trip videos for which you need a HD camera, or do you simply want something to assure your safety while driving?

RC Remote Aircraft: Channel Types and Who Can Use Them

What is a RC aircraft?
RC stands for Radio Controlled or Remote Controlled. Here, Newfrog.com will Introduce them for you , a RC aircraft is either a Radio Controlled aircraft either a Remote Controlled aircraft.
Radio/ Remote Controlled aircraft is a drone, often coming under the shape of a plane, helicopter, hexacopter,quadrocopter and so on. Esentially, the aircraft is piloted through a remote control that sends signals to the gadget,allowing the user to coordinate it in flight.
Learning how to fly and casually flying a Radio/Remote Controlled aircraft became a largely popular hobby in the past decades. Due to the great amount of people showing interest in the subject, the Cheap RC Quadcopter market reached high levels of evolution. Nowadays, there are numerous brands that produce RC aircrafts.Moreover, there are plenty of RC aircraft models, some of them electrical and others working on an internal combustion engine fuelled by gas or jet engines.
As well, Remote/ Radio Controlled aircrafts are used by the governmental institutions for collecting and sorting data.For this purpose the Remote or Radio Controlled aircrafts are used as drones. Most definitely, the ones that the official institutions use are nothing like the ones that hobbyist use for their own entertainment.These drones are supposed to be professional remote controlled aircrafts, with features that ‘toys’ may never experience.

Depending on the skills and preferences of the owner, the RC aircrafts can be more or less alike with the real aircrafts. For example, a beginner might purchase a simple aircraft, that is conveniently easy to pilot and that doesn’t features many details resembling a real life aircraft. On the other hand, a very experimented and passionate hobbyist might purchase a detailed aircraft that features all the functions of a real aircraft. The latest RC aircrafts are known under the name of ‘scale models’ and are,indeed, more complex and pricier than the simple ones.
Most likely there is a fitted RC aircraft for each user- there is definitely a reason for which the RC aircraft industry is so developed.Further on, RC aircrafts fall into a series of different categories that help the regular buyer separate the ones they want to purchase from the ones they don’t.There are various categories, starting with the engine type and finishing with the noise the cheap rc helicopters produces in flight, but today we will focus on the channel types and how suitable each type of channel is for different categories of RC aircraft users.
What are channels and how many channel types there are?
First of all, the word ‘channel’, is a very popular word in the world of Radio/ Remote Controlled aircrafts hobby. Therefore it might confuse people a little in the beginning, as there isn’t only one conjuncture in which the word ‘channel’ is used.

There are two essential constructions in which people will hear the word ‘channel’ used regarding the hobby of flying RC aircrafts. Most likely people heard or they will hear the phrases ‘number of channels’ and ‘channel number’. While the construction of the phrases is indeed alike, these are not to be confused. The number of channels and the channel number are,without a doubt, two very different things that people might want to understand before starting to fly their own remote controlled aircraft.
Number of channels
The number of channels refers strictly to the functions that people gadget has. In this particular construction the word ‘channels’ is used to describe each part of the model that can be controlled via the remote control.
Depending on the complexity of the RC aircraft of player choice, the aircraft can be a ‘one channel RC aircraft, a two channels one, three channels and so on, up to eight channels.
The channels can mean a rudder, motor, ailerons, landing gear,flaps, parachute deployment and so on,in any kind of combination, varying from model to model.
There are no strict rules on how many channels a RC aircraft can have- it all depends on the complexity that the buyer/hobbyist prefers.
For new users,a one channel or two channel RC aircraft might be the perfect choice,while for those that have gained some experience with the hobby a five channel or even eight channel aircraft can be more suitable.As in everything else, this hobby should be taken progressively, adding one or two channels at a time, until the user has learned how to properly fly his RC aircraft.
Channel number
The second phrase in which the word ‘channel’ is used refers to the radio frequency on which the Cheap RC Quadcopter is operated. The channel number is a particular number that falls in the Mhzfrequency band. Each channel number is unique and is given to each RC pilot separately.Therefore,each RC pilot has a different channel number.
If there was to be only one channel number,it would’ve been impossible to fly a RC aircraft as the users would’ve encounter serious control problems and RC aircraft crashes.

What Is the Difference Between an RC Helicopter and an RC Quadcopter?

When one is new to the exciting world of RC flight, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the different types of RC vehicles available. Especially in the flying RC vehicles category, there are literally hundreds of aircraft to choose from including planes, helicopters, quadcopters and more. One of the first questions that seems to come up for beginners is: what is the difference between an RC Helicopter and an RC Quadcopter? It’s a great question and an important one to answer before buying an RC vehicle.
If an RC Helicopter and an RC Quadcopter are placed side by side, they will appear quite different. Namely, in shape and design. RC Helicopters have a familiar design to them, in fact they look almost exactly like full size helicopters; they have a similar narrow body shape, a single large rotor blade and a small tail rotor placed at the end of a long, thin tail spar. In some cases, certain RC Helicopters have slight design changes to eliminate the small tail rotor, but in general still retain the look and shape of a full size helicopter.
Quadcopters on the other hand, look totally different. They generally have a much wider square shape design which is necessary to correctly place the four small rotor blades that power it in each corner. In some cases these four small power rotors are surrounded by plastic rotor cowlings which can protect the rotor blades in case of a crash. Although they use multiple motors and rotors quadcopters are actually more mechanically simple than helicopters with their more complex angle systems for control of a single rotor.
So in short, the difference between an RC Helicopter and an RC Quadcopteris the number of rotor blades (one versus 4) and the overall design configuration that places the rotor blades in position. There are several ways in which these differences change the way an RC vehicles flies and by extension, how it is used.

For hobby and leisure and the utmost in maneuverability, including 3D flight, an RC helicopter is suitable. They are more responsive and have great flight abilities. However, for a hobby RC aircraft that could also carry cargo or a photography rig, the wider body design and greater stability of a quadcopter is desired. Beyond the application use, flight characteristics also play big role in the difference between an RC Helicopter and an RC Quadcopter.
For an RC pilot, especially a beginner, stability of the aircraft is key to safe flying. Although the multi-motor design of a quadcopter necessitates extra electronic control when compared to a traditional helicopter, they make up for that difference with added electronic stabilizations that actually result in an RC vehicle that is much easier to fly and has greater stability. This is an obvious advantage to beginners. However, this stability comes at a trade off with responsiveness. A helicopter by contrast may have more flight instability but is far more responsive.

This responsiveness is due to the fact that a helicopter has one rotor that spins at a single speed and achieves maneuverability by making subtle changes to the rotor angle which can be done very quickly without having to affect engine and rotor speed. This results in a very efficient vehicle when compared to a quadcopter that must change the speed of all 4 of its fixed rotor engines to affect flight. This inefficiency and multiple motor setup uses extra power and time to make its flight changes.
Price is another difference between an RC Helicopter and an RC Quadcopter. Although budget RC helicopters exist, the popularity and availability of quadcopters is such that for the same money, users may be able to get a more advanced quadcopter than helicopter, always an important factor when considering a purchase.Knowing these important differences are important to make informed buying decisionswhen choosing the best RC vehicle for any particular need from Newfrog.com